Gramática APTIS: Grammar Practice 2 (B1)


Gramática APTIS (Grammar Practice 2) para el nivel B1


En esta parte de Grammar Practice 2 se incluyen los contenidos más comunes que suelen aparecer en el Aptis Grammar Test.

Éstos corresponden al nivel B1, que es el nivel que la mayoría de las personas necesitan demostrar.

He decidido no incluir algunos contenidos gramaticales que claramente corresponden al nivel B2 (éstos los puedes encontrar en Aptis Grammar Practice 3: B1-B2).

También es importante señalar que los contenidos lingüísticos del nivel A1-A2 (como los tiempos verbales básicos (Verb tenses), condicionales (Zero, 1st and 2nd Conditional, uso de artículos a/the/(–), pronombres personales, objeto y posesivos, demostrativos this/that/these/those,…) se tienen que conocer, ya que son necesarios para comprender y usar los contenidos de nivel B1.

Además, he decidido organizar las actividades online por contenidos. Así es más fácil practicar cada uno de los componentes por separado.

Sin embargo, recuerda que en el Aptis Grammar Test vienen todos mezclados y lo importante es reconocer qué se nos pide en cada oración (si es una condicional, pasiva, reported speech,…) para poder elegir la respuesta correcta.

Si tienes alguna duda de cómo se organizan las oraciones y en número de oraciones de cada nivel, mira la página APTIS Grammar and Vocabulary – Información General de esta web..

También puedes ver una lista más detallada de los contenidos B1 y B2 en la entrada Gramática Aptis para preparar Aptis B1 y B2. No olvides probar los ejercicios del APTIS Grammar Practice 1. Éstos corresponden a contenidos más secillos (A1 y A2) que como he dicho antes, serían muy recomendable que se controlaran.

Aptis Grammar Practice 2

En esta tarea Aptis Grammar Practice 2 hay preguntas sobre los siguientes contenidos:

Oraciones Subordinadas (Relative Clauses)

Estilo Indirecto (Reported Speech).

Verbos Modales. Encuentra una explicación detallada de los verbos modales, con un resumen y ejercicios para practicar en Aptis Grammar: Modal Verbs.

Oraciones Pasivas (Passive Sentences)

Adverbios o Adjetivos (Adverbs or Adjectives). Puedes descargar una lista de adjetivos y adverbios que más se usan here.

Tiempos Verbales (Verb Tenses).

Conectores Textuales (Connectives)

Dependent Prepositions (B1). Encuentra una lista de las más comunes Dependent Prepositions de nivel B1  here.

Oraciones Subordinada (Relative Clauses)

1. My grandfather, ______ is eighty, goes jogging every day.


2. The book ______ I bought yesterday is very interesting.


3. He is the only one ______ can help me to solve the problem.


4. That is the worst picture ______ I’ve ever seen.


5. These are the grammar books in ______ I am interested.


6. Mary, ______ mother is an opera singer, is learning music.


7. The lady ______ you talked on the phone is coming immediately.


8. The meeting, ______ few people were invited, was a great success.


9. Did you hear ______ she said last night?


10. That is the hotel ______ I stayed during my last holidays.


Estilo Indirecto (Reported Speech)

Question 1

Julia asked him if he had finished.

'____________ finished,' Julia asked him.

Question 2

'I have lost my hat,' Lucas told me.

Lucas told me that he ____________ his hat.

Question 3

'I want it here and now,' he told Mary.

He told Mary that he wanted that ____________ .

Question 4

He asked where his mother was.

'Where ____________ mother?' he asked.

Question 5

'I know her,' he said.

He said that he______ her.

Question 6

'Sit down and be quiet', she ordered me.

She ordered me __________________________ .

Question 7

He asked where _____________.

'Where has Peter gone?' he asked.

Question 8

The doctor said, 'I'll be back tomorow.'

The doctor said that he ____________

Question 9

'No, I won't tell you,' he told me.

He told me that he ____________ tell me.

Question 10

'I'll be at 10 tomorrow,' he said.

He said that he ____________ ,

Question 11

He said he would go to Rome the following day.

'I ______ to Rome tomorrow,' he said.

Question 12

'Let's go to the beach,' he said.

He suggested ____________ to the beach.

Question 13

'I am working late tonight,' Her father said.

Her father said that he____________ .

Question 14

'Tomorrow we'll go shopping,'John said.

John said that____________ go shopping.

Question 15

'Let's get something to eat,' she said.

She suggested____________ something to eat.

Question 16

The teacher told them not to make a noise.

'____________ a noise,' the teacher said to them.

Question 17

'Don't open that door', my brother warned me.

My brother warned me __________________________ .

Question 18

'Can you do me a favour?', my sister asked me.

My sister asked me __________________________ .

Question 19

I know I can do it,' he said.

He assured that he____________ it.

Question 20

She asked us to go with her.

'____________ ,' she asked us.

Verbos Modales (Modal Verbs)

Oraciones Pasivas (Passive Sentences)

Question 1

The benches shouldn't __________ in the rain.

Question 2

This clock __________ in 1750.

Question 3

We __________ followed by a car.

Question 4

Was the window pane __________ the children?

Question 5

This office __________ every day.

Question 6

 The TV set __________ by my brother at the moment.

Question 7

This job __________ by my friend next week.

Question 8

The ball has __________ by that player.

Question 9

This exercise will __________ at home by the boys.

Question 10

The old castle ___________ at the moment.

Question 11

I think that we __________ followed by two men.

Question 12

The centre forward ___________ a goal.

Question 13

This problem __________ by your brother yesterday.

Question 14

Fifty hooligans __________ at the football match two days earlier.

Adverbs or Adjective (adverbios o adjetivos)

1. Marta is a ___________ person. She doesn’t take any risk.


2. The boy was running ___________ to the station.


3. You look ___________ . Didn’t you sleep well?


4. She was singing ___________ during her birthday.


5. My cousin is an excellent athlete. He can run so __________ .


6. I love going to Peter’s home. He cooks really __________ .


7. The teacher can’t kick a ball. He plays football __________ .


8. These questions aren’t hard. You can answer them ____________ .


9. My new neighbour is very __________ . He has won the lottery twice!


10. Don’t jump so ___________ or you may get hurt.


Conectores Textuales (Connectives)

1. I bought a laptop ___________ I need for my job.


2. The employer offered him the job ___________ he turned it down.


3. ___________ Seville is a beautiful city, it is very hot in summer.


4. It is very hot and sunny today ___________ we are going to the beach.


5. My car is very old, __________ it is reliable.


6. I love eating fish and chips  ___________ it is not very healthy.


7. His father’s car has broken down, ___________ Peter will take him to work.


8. I’d like to go out with you, ___________ I’m really busy at the moment.


9. They didn’t offer him the job ___________ he didn’t have any experience.


10. ___________ she’s a really good teacher, I don’t understand her explanations.


Dependent Prepositions

Puedes seguir practicando los contenidos gramaticales del examen Aptis en Gramática Aptis: Grammar Practice 3 (B1-B2). Éstos son un poco más avanzados y corresponden al nivel B2.

También puedes probar a hacer el Aptis Grammar Mock Test, con 25 preguntas similares a las del Aptis Grammar Test (de un banco de 200 preguntas!).


Publicada el: 20 enero, 2019, por:

8 comentarios en «Gramática APTIS: Grammar Practice 2 (B1)»

  1. Muchas gracias, muy pertinentes y complementas las actividades, permiten alcanzar el conocimiento necesario para el aprendizaje del inglés.

  2. Hello, los tests de Reported Speech y Adverbs or Adjectives dejaron de funcionar y no dan las respuestas. Mientras lo soluciono, os dejo las soluciones:
    Reported Speech:
    1. who
    2. which
    3. who
    4. that
    5. which
    6. whose
    7. to whom
    8. to which
    9. what
    10. where

    Adjectives or Adverbs:
    1. careful
    2. quickly
    3. tired
    4. happy
    5. fast
    6. well
    7. badly
    8. easily
    9. fortunate
    10. high

    1. Thanks, estoy preparando más ejercicios de gramática de un nivel más avanzado, los intentaré publicar en los próximos días.

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